By Anastacia Patricia Novlina Nurak, S.IP., M.I.P
July 30, 2024
De/Centerng Southeast Asia 5th SEASIA Biennal International Conference 2024
Coord. of the Legitimate Peace and Democracy Cluster, Center for International Development, Warmadewa University, Anastacia Novlina Nurak, participated in the De/Centering Southeast Asia 5th SEASIA Biennial International Conference held on July 18-20, 2025.
This conference serves as a platform to focus on the development of knowledge in Southeast Asian countries. "De/Centering" here is defined as the shift of one's analytical position from a dominant center towards the periphery to strengthen expertise, amplify voices, and resist subordination in peripheral areas.
Anastacia Novlina Nurak presented her research at the conference, titled: "Weakening Democratic Institutions Towards Autocracy in the Electoral Process: A Comparison of Cases in the Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia."