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Ni Wayan Erly Sintya Dewi, S.Si, Pg Dip

Reseacher, at Warmadewa Research Centre

Ni Wayan Erly SIntya Dewi, Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Warmadewa University. Completed a master's program in 2021 at the School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and Postgraduate diploma at KIng's College London. Is an LPDP awardee in 2017. During his studies at KIng's College, he was active as a research assistant in the field of radionuclear development for infection therapy.  His current research interests include the development of zoonotic evolution (including neglected diseases) and its influencing factors as well as the potential for vaccine development. He is currently an active member of the American Society for Microbiology.

  • CV | Ni Wayan Erly Sintya Dewi, S.Si, Pg Dip
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