-Photo by Agung Parameswara

Dr. Anak Agung Gde Parameswara, SE.,M.Si
Head of Center for Intenational Development, at Warmadewa Research Centre
Agung Parameswara is a doctor of economics and a professional photographer who focuses on physical and intangible cultural heritage and sustainability in his work. Agung is the recipient of an award from the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia, and he received a summa cum laude for his cultural economic dissertation at Udayana University, Indonesia. Agung's works have appeared in international publications for nearly a decade, including The New York Times, TIME Lightbox, Stern, Days Japan Magazine, Terra Mater Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, Daily Mail UK, The Age Australia, The Washington Post, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, GEO Germany, Internazionale Italy, Courier International, XL Semanal Magazine, The Jakarta Post, SEA Globe Magazine, National Geographic Traveler Indonesia, Rhytm Monthly Magazine, and Travel 360 Magazine. Agung has published his academic studies in reputable international journals, including the International Journal of Sustainable Planning and Taylor & Francis. Agung has been appointed as a reviewer for Taylor & Francis from March 2022.